Friday, May 22, 2009

13 days!

Eegats! So I got an email update about my weekly pregnancy progress - yesterday I entered my 38th week of pregnancy and today I have 13 days until the official estimated due date. I guess I hadn't realized we were already in the "teens" for the baby countdown. Don't worry, there's no news to report. In fact, at our appointment this past Wednesday, our midwife is predicting we'll not go before the week of our due date and will likely go the week after. She has me scheduled for appointments through week 41 just in case the kid's not too eager to make his/her debut into the world. Some of the ladies at work are a bit disappointed by this news because they were hoping to win the Urban Cowbaby arrival pool - there's $32 in that pot!

So, in the next 13 days here's what I hope gets accomplished:
- back porch is officially, completely done being screened in and painted
- garden is officially, completely done being planted (including front flower beds which are challenging me this year because I can't decide what direction to take them in!)
- house is cleaned really, really well (it's not too bad now, there are just a few areas I really want to take time to work on so that it's less to worry about later!)
- baby laundry is done and organized
- nursery completed (need some wall art and a bit of rearranging once dresser & glider arrive)
- clothesline up in yard
I'm sure there are a million other things I could add to the list but I'm trying to keep it simple and I need to factor in time for resting. Let me tell you, I don't know how mom's of 1+ do it. They don't get even 1/4 of the chance to rest the way new moms do during pregnancy!

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