Wednesday, February 06, 2008

It's 5:00 somewhere...

Work has been really tough lately. My latest primary assignment is to review an old process and revise it to reflect new leadership of the program and improve any inefficiencies. It's a difficult project because I have not yet been through a full cycle of the school year and so I often feel as though I'm standing in complete darkness, my eyes searching for just a pinprick of light to move toward. I am uncertain how to revise a process and improve inefficiencies when I have not seen the process nor experienced how it is run. I have made strides toward its revision and have put my "stamp" on it to reflect my new leadership of the program. I have definitely improved several inefficiencies strictly based on knowledge gleaned from research and informal interviews of previous participants. I feel confident that the changes I've made will definitely make it a better process. What I'm not confident about, though, is the changes that need to be made which I do not yet know about. When I'm working on this project I feel as though I'm missing a huge chunk of information and I feel as though there are gaping holes in my proposed timeline. I can't say exactly why I feel this way - possibly lack of confidence or fear of failure - but it's incredibly stressful for me. Example: just 2 minutes ago, a co-worker came in with a question which required a fair amount of trouble-shooting between the two of us to find the answer. This is an example of yet another aspect of this project that I have no idea about and which is a very important piece of the end result. I'm extremely frustrated because I keep encountering roadblocks and I don't even know to prepare for them. Boo!

1 comment:

yll said...

Do you have some sort of a timeline on this? Or, can you just make adjustments as you go along? I don’t know, it doesn’t seem right to expect someone to fix something they haven’t even experienced yet. And it’s not like you don’t WANT to fix inefficiencies. No one likes inefficiencies.