Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Balancing the Schedule

I work two different part time jobs, both 20 hours a week, and I am a full-time graduate student. Currently, I am also planning a wedding (thank goodness my fiance is my co-pilot in the planning process) and still trying to maintain my relationships with my family and friends. I sometimes feel as though I don't know whether I'm coming or going.

Today, one of my bosses announced she was no longer going to do the website maintenance and updates for our department and I will be taking it over. I know NOTHING about web design and I feel a bit overwhelmed by the prospect of being the sole manager of this project. She is leaving the department and I understand someone has to do it but I don't understand why she chose me. I am technologically disadvantaged! I can't even figure out how to post a picture on this blog! Eegats! Well, if she has confidence in me, I will too. Still, though, I'm a bit worried I'll make a big mess of this new responsibility!

I'll keep you updated!

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